LeapPad Ultimate
You are not able to connect to Wi-Fi during initial device setup:
Unfortunately during the system downtime, you will not be able to connect to Wi-Fi.
If you are doing your initial device setup, select the "Skip" button to continue.
During the system downtime, you are not able to download all the apps that are included with your device.
After the system is back up, you will be able to download your included apps by following these steps:
- Connect to Wi-Fi in the Parents Section
- After you have connected to Wi-Fi, open App Center
- Follow the instructions to create or log in to a Parent Account
When trying to use App Center and LeapSearch, you are unable to connect to Wi-Fi.
Unfortunately during the system downtime, you will not be able to connect to Wi-Fi. After the maintenance is complete, your device should automatically reconnect to Wi-Fi.
If it does not, you can connect to Wi-Fi by going to the Parents Section.