Picture perfect

When it comes to picture books, how young is too young? Consider this: by 6 months, babies become very interested in objects, and just 5 months later, babies can respond to 50 or so words, including many names for common objects. So when you're trying to think of an activity to do with your child, consider a book! Babies love to find objects and pictures in books, and many babies at this age enjoy listening to you read to them. Using picture books of traditional nursery songs such as Mary had a Little Lamb and Brahms' Lullaby, you can expand your child’s ability to match words to pictures. These books can provide concrete images of objects and concepts (lamb, white) for your child to “see” what he is singing or reading. You can extend your child’s learning by asking questions about the pictures: Where is Mary? Where is the lamb? Can you find the rose? Soon your child will be pointing at the pictures and asking you to name them!