Time for a change
Changing diapers can seem like a chore. Older babies and toddlers want to get back up and do what they were born to do—move! How can we make this easier on babies and parents? One approach is to take a few minutes to think about how you can make this time more interesting for your child (and therefore make him think about something other than getting off the changing table as fast as he can!). Does he like listening to songs? Animal sounds? Imitating your facial expressions? The idea is to strike a balance between efficiency and pleasant interactions with your child. Try something like, “What does a kitty do?” and then make the sounds meow, meow—soon he’ll be trying it too! Or sing one of his favorite songs and wait for him to chime in with some of the more familiar words (think “A, B, C, ___” and the like). These activities can introduce your child to new concepts, reinforce those already learned and make diaper changing a happier experience for you both!