Q: My daughter prefers reading magazines to books. Is this OK?
Magazines are not necessarily better or worse than books. They are just a different medium, and they provide an opportunity for your daughter to practice reading about topics she’s passionate about. When choosing reading material for your daughter, it is important to have a good mix of reading materials and to keep the emphasis on making reading fun. One way to encourage your daughter to read more books is to offer her a wide-variety of books that reflect her interests. Take her to the library and let her choose the books she would like to read. Look for books that have similar topics to the magazines she enjoys. You can also look for magazines that have more text in them and are educational such as Highlights (www.highlights.com), National Geographic Kids (http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/), or Stone Soup (www.stonesoup.com).
Jennie Ito, Ph.D.
Child Development Expert
Jennie Ito is a mother of two and a child development consultant who specializes in children’s play and toys. Before becoming a consultant for LeapFrog, she was an intern at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, and later worked as a content expert for the Association of Children’s Museum’s “Playing for Keeps” Play Initiative. Jennie earned her doctorate degree in developmental psychology at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada.