Sharing Easter and Passover traditions
Learning Stages
Holidays are a beautiful way to share the world with your baby. For those of the Christian and Jewish faith, Easter and Passover traditions play an important role in early spring. Although babies and toddlers may not be ready to understand the deeper spiritual meaning of the days, they will enjoy being included in your preparations.
A singer of tales
As you move through your day this week, sing some of the songs that say Passover or Easter to you. Read books and stories that describe the holiday celebrations or symbolically discuss their meaning.
Religious observation
If you will attend services with your baby for the first time, ask about
Feed the soul
Most holiday celebrations involve specific foods (Easter, Passover). Take your baby along on the shopping trip so he can see and smell the foods you select. He can help you bag and put the items on the counter for purchase. When you get home, include your toddler in your cooking as well, following safety precautions, of course. Even toddlers can help stir and they will enjoy the smells and tastes as you work. And your toddler will take a special pride in helping you set the table, placing napkins and spoons in their proper places.
Try making some age-appropriate Passover or Easter crafts. Use as a centerpiece and your toddler will enjoy telling the family, "I made that!"