Ring in with your resolution​s or questions

The best way to start off any new year is to make your new year resolutions –that is if you haven’t already. 

By Shelby Moore


Shelby Moore is a kindergarten teacher at an inner-city school in Houston and was recently awarded as one of the East Region's Campus Teachers of the Year.

Each week I spend quite a bit of time contemplating what topic I want to blog about.  I usually get my ideas one of three ways:

  1. From my students
  2. Reflecting on the past week and deciding what topic or activity is worthy enough to be shared with my readers
  3. Highlighting an activity based on the coordinating season.

Since this is the beginning of the year it is time to ring in the new year with my first blog of 2011. The best way to start off any new year is to make your new year resolutions–that is if you haven’t already. 

Every January, as a teacher, I feel it is important for me to share with my Kindergartners my teacher goals or resolutions (not my personal resolutions) for my students, and I also have them think about what they hope to accomplish by the end of the school year –with some guidance of course.

I encourage you to sit down and talk to your child about their hopes and dreams for the year.

What did your child share with you?

As parents, how will you help or guide your kindergartner reach their goals for 2011?

I'm sure you had many goals for your kindergartner at the start of the school. 

What are your goals for your children for the remainder of the school year?

Are you happy with how they are progressing?

Have your goals for them changed as the year has gone on?

I’m sure a lot of parents with children in kindergarten have the same desires as you do for your own children.  

When parents and teachers keep an open line of communication everyone wins, so don’t forget to talk to your child’s teacher as well, and express your goals and your child’s goals for the remainder of the school year.