Make a birdhouse
You'll Need
- Milk carton
- Perch (dowel\
- chopstick\
- stick)
- Nontoxic paint
60 minutesLearning Stages
Let kids design and build a birdhouse using found materials. This kind of problem-solution thinking builds engineering skills and gives kids experience with how things work. And the finished product gives them a sense of accomplishment and pride.
First brainstorm a few minimum requirements, for example: the house should have a golfball-sized hole large enough for birds to fit through but not large enough for predators; it should have a strong perch inside and outside; it should hang somewhere where squirrels can't reach it.
Look around your house and yard for materials that you might use. Here are just a few suggestions, but let your child be creative and come up with other solutions, too.
House: a cardboard or plastic milk carton
Perch: a chopstick, a stick, a dowel
Something to hang it: a bent wire hanger, twine
Roof: dollhouse shingles, bamboo plate, cut-down craft sticks