Book builder

Just two little words is all it takes to launch your little author.

You'll Need

  • Construction paper
  • White paper
  • Pen or pencil
  • Colored markers or crayons
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Hole punch
  • Colored yarn or ribbon

Learning Stages

Use a theme, such as “on the farm,” to build sentences with your child. Follow these instructions to turn your child's sentences into an illustrated book:

  1. Begin with a simple sentence that includes a noun and a verb: Ducks quack.
  2. Ask your child to add an adjective: Five ducks quack.
  3. Add an article: The five ducks quack.
  4. Ask your child to add an adverb: The five ducks quack loudly.
  5. Repeat the procedure for all the animals on the farm.
  6. Use colored construction paper to make a book called On the Farm.
  7. Have your child draw a picture based on each expanded sentence, then help your child rewrite each sentence as a caption for the corresponding pictures.
  8. Ask your child to draw a book cover.
  9. Finally, line up the book pages, punch holes in them and use colored yarn or ribbon to bind the book together.

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