Treasure wreath

Welcome guests with a homemade wreath of pretty fall finds.

You'll Need

  • Large piece of cardboard (to make wreath) or a wire wreath from a craft store
  • Scissors
  • White glue
  • Brush
  • Small trash bag
  • Ribbon


30 minutes

Help your child make this fall treasure of natural objects to hang as a welcome wreath!

  1. Cut the cardboard in to a large circle. Cut a circle in the middle, forming the base for the wreath.
  2. Go on a nature hike (or a trip to the park), taking a paper shopping bag along with you.
  3. Talk about what kinds of things would look nice on a wreath. Some suggestions: pine cones, seedpods, nuts, berries, and dried flowers and leaves. Gather extra leaves, moss and grass to use as filler.
  4. After you've gathered your treasures, go home and glue them to the base. Be sure to cover all areas.
  5. When you're satisfied with the finished product, add a ribbon and hang on your door. What a festive way to welcome visitors!

LeapFrog recommends:

Autumn: An Alphabet Acrostic
By Steven Schnur, illustrated by Leslie Evans
Clarion (Ages 4–8)

Autumn Leaves
By Ken Robbins
Scholastic (Ages 4–8)

Why Do Leaves Change Color?
A Let's-Read-And-Find-Out Science Book
By Betsy Maestro, illustrated by Loretta Krupinski
HarperTrophy (Ages 4–8)

Everything for Fall: A Complete Activity Book for Teachers of Young Children
By Kathy Charner, illustrated by Joan Waites
Gryphon House (Adults)