My Book of Why

Kids ask a lot of questions. Turn their tough questions into a Book of Why. It's a great way to start building a child's research skills at an early age and to show them that "Why?" is a great question!

Learning Stages

Why is the sky blue? Why do we have summer and winter? Why does it rain? Sometimes these why questions can be a little tough for adults to answer. Instead of brushing aside tough questions with an "I don't know," celebrate your child's curiosity by making a Book of Why. Using this template (or a blank journal), keep a log of the why questions your child asks. Record the date and circumstances in which your child asked each question. Have your child contribute illustrations to go with his or her questions. Look up the answers together, using the Internet or at your local library. It's a great way to start building your child's research skills at an early age and to show him or her that asking questions is important!