What do you do all day?

Growing up takes work, and for a preschooler engrossed by many challenges, from putting on shoes to puzzling out his ABCs, it's sometimes difficult to imagine other, grown-up work. He may see Mom and Dad vanish in the early morning and appear again at nightfall. Eventually, he'll want to know just what do you do all day? When your child raises this question, turn it around. Suggest that he act out what he thinks you do all day, using an item or two of yours as props. Have him begin the day at home. Does he rush around the house looking for keys or mobile phone? Recognize yourself? After he "leaves" home, your child may be stumped. If he can't figure out what happens next, supply him with some suggestions about your work routine to prompt his enactment of your workday: I talk on the phone a lot, help people decide what flowers to grow, etc. The exercise will stretch his imagination. He will see a side of you that modern life normally denies him, and he will begin to think about work—his and yours—in new ways.