Q: How can I get my daughter to tell me more about her school day?
I experience this every day when I pick up my son from preschool. I am so excited to see him and hear about all the fun things he has done at school that day, and when I ask him he usually responds with a one-word answer. I try to ask him open-ended questions that cannot be answered with one word, and I avoid questions that are too vague and general (e.g., “How was school today?”). Instead, I now ask him more specific questions like “What was your favorite thing about school today” or “What did you have for snack?” I also use his artwork as a conversation starter. If you know your daughter’s school schedule or the themes that she is learning about, you might consider using this information to ask more specific questions about what she did at school. The most important thing is that your daughter knows that you care about her and want to hear about her day, so remember to be patient and listen to what she does say, even if she isn’t saying much!
Jennie Ito, Ph.D.
Child Development Expert
Jennie Ito is a mother of two and a child development consultant who specializes in children’s play and toys. Before becoming a consultant for LeapFrog, she was an intern at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, and later worked as a content expert for the Association of Children’s Museum’s “Playing for Keeps” Play Initiative. Jennie earned her doctorate degree in developmental psychology at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada.