Welcome LeapStars!

You’ve earned a LeapStar badge in our parents’ community!

By Jennifer Schumacher

Senior Content & Community Producer at LeapFrog

Hello LeapStar!

We wanted to give you a little inside information… We've added a LeapStar badge to recognize the most active and helpful community members on our Learning Path website!

Because you are such a valued voice in our social community, we wanted to invite you to become part this group. Anytime you comment on the Learning Path website, your LeapStar badge will appear next to your name.

To get your badge, simply leave a comment below! (Give us about 24 hours to add you to the LeapStar group in our system.) Then we invite you to explore the articles, tips, activities and discussions and simply do what you do on our Facebook wall: like posts, make great comments, and help other parents!