Don’t miss your chance to win a LeapBand!

Does your child have a case of the wiggles & giggles? Put that energy to good use in our LeapBand #FitMadeFun contest.

By Jennifer Schumacher

Senior Content & Community Producer at LeapFrog

Join our LeapFrog #FitMadeFun contest where you could win a LeapBand activity tracker! Plus we've sweetened the pot this week: one lucky winner will receive a $500 prize pack!

  1. Create a short video on Vine or instagram featuring one of our LeapBand activities: Jump like a kangaroo, leap like a frog, wiggle like a worm (find more activities at
  2. Share your video using the hashtag #FitMadeFun on Twitter or Instagram.
  3. Follow @LeapFrog on Twitter and @leapfrogofficial on Instagram so we can contact you if you're a winner.

Ends July 11—hop to it!

See official rules.