Earth Day at home

Celebrate Earth Day with these green-friendly activities in your home.

By Maxine Adams


Growing up in the islands of Hawaii, I never really appreciated the exotic beauty in my very own backyard. Everywhere you look is the overwhelming scent and sense of beauty. The further I moved away, the more I desired to keep a little bit of my island home close to heart. From school gardens to community projects, there are so many ways to love and appreciate the earth—it’s the little things that make this world a greener and more beautiful place to live.

Lights Out

Earth Hour really emphasizes the power of one. What began as an idea to turn off electrical appliances for one hour in one city in 2007 now impacts more than 5,200 cities and towns in 135 countries worldwide. Our school adopted the concept during the school day; lessons were taught outside, with students gardening and beautifying the campus. Classrooms of students picnicked on the lawn with books and Solar S’mores (marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers wrapped in aluminum foil and baked by good ol’ fashioned sunshine). Make a difference and inspire your own home or community initiative.

Cool the Earth

In our home my four little energy savers learned to stop wasting electricity with the click of a switch. My family loves Cool the Earth, a K-8 program that educates families on how small tasks can make an enormous impact. 

Recycling Day Parade

Got recyclable stuff? Have a parade! Students changed the ordinary into something extraordinary by transforming water bottles, plastic bags and aluminum foil into fun costumes. At the conclusion of the parade kids have a blast sorting recycled items and working together. All of the proceeds from aluminum recycling helped adopt an acre of rainforest.

Plant a Butterfly Garden

A butterfly garden is an easy way to see more butterflies and to help them, since many natural butterfly habitats have been lost to human activities like building homes, roads and farms. It’s easy to increase the number and variety of butterflies in your yard. Simply grow the plants the caterpillars and adult butterflies like to eat!