Back-to-school pencil craft

Here’s a quick and easy craft that will get your kids in the mood for school and will also be a great homework helper.

You'll Need

  • Jumbo craft sticks
  • Yellow or gold paint
  • Pink paint
  • Silver & black markers
  • Paintbrush

Learning Stages

By Becca Ross

Kindergarten & First Grade Teacher

Becca is a schoolteacher and blogs at She loves to cook, bake, garden, sew, quilt, teach and simply spend time with her family. She strives to find art in everyday things.

Back-to-School time is here! Kids are choosing outfits and packing their backpacks. It’s time to shop for supplies and prepare for nightly homework again. Give these back-to-school pencils a try and help get your kids in the mood for school, friends, and even homework!

How to make the pencils

  1. Set the craft sticks on scrap paper or a painting mat
  2. Paint the middle part of the craft sticks with gold/yellow paint
  3. Leave the tops and bottoms unpainted
  4. Paint one tip of each pencil pink to represent the eraser
  5. Once dry, use a silver Sharpie to draw a thick line in between the yellow and pink
  6. Use a black Sharpie to draw the point of the pencil

Ways to use the pencils

  • As a bookmark to help kids keep their place when reading
  • To help your child with reading. New readers are often overwhelmed with the amount of words on a page. Have your child place the pencil horizontally under the line they are reading. When they have finished reading the line, move the pencil down to the next line.
  • To help your child with writing. Young writers sometimes forget to leave spaces between words. Have your child place the pencil down as a place holder for the space before the next word. Then they can begin writing the next word. When they remove the place holder they will have perfectly spaced words.

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